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Low Price review of elliptical machines Turn Your Living Room Into A review of elliptical machines With Our review of elliptical machines.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
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Sunday, November 27, 2011
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Friday, November 25, 2011
Get Back In Shape With An Elliptical Trainer
Ok, sign me up. I'm a little overweight, I hate to exercise and would rather go to the dentist and work out. Truly. But I know that in order to stay healthy and give myself a better chance at long life I need to take care of my body and that means eating well and exercising.
I've tried running, but it hurts my legs and knees. I've tried workout tapes, but they're boring and I feel stupid flailing around in my living room. My parents have a really nice elliptical machine in their basement so I tried that. You know what? It's actually kind of fun. The elliptical motion is very fluid and easy. It's much easier on my joints and if I turn on a movie I can actually get 30 minutes of a workout done and hardly even notice. For me that's saying a lot. I cannot express how much I hate to exercise. But these ellipticals are something I would do if I owned one. For now I just use the one at my parents house, but its pretty inconvenient.
These things are great for all levels of capabilities. From the most lackadaisical person (me) to the ultra athlete there is either a built in workout program or a way for you to do one at your best level.
Elliptical trainers are used to burn off calories and create movement in the heart and muscles. You can work up a sweat and burn a similar number of calories similar to if you were jogging.
They can either be cheap or expensive. The more you spend the more bells and whistles you get. The cheapest ones have no digital readouts and may be a little more jerky in the motions. The more expensive ones have programmed workouts, heart monitors, digital readouts and feel like you're running on a cloud. Prices range from 0 to several thousand dollars. Look in a second hand, or recycled workout equipment store to see if you can get a good deal on a used high end model.
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Monday, November 21, 2011
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